Courses by TSJOOZZZ

My Courses

After finishing a mission, I do leave behind a team trained to implement or use the changes or solutions we have developed together.  In order for the client’s teams to be fully operational, I have developed a number of courses which in case of need can be deployed during my missions.

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Talent to Operational skilled ...

We are all actors in the "war for talent", or should we say "war for skills". Where there is lack of skilled people, I can help transform talents within your teams, or recruited from the outside, to become skilled operational teammembers.

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Operational People Management ...

Get in touch with your teams. Engage the people on your staff, recruit the right profile and provide great feedback on a daily basis. Become the employer you always wished you would have had during your career.

Workshops, workshops ...

All activities in Supply chain can be thought in class, by reading books, or by participating in workshops. My experience is that workshops have the greatest and most lasting impact. Together with the modules from my e-learning platform they create the guides for more excellence at work.

Operational KPI building ...

Today numbers are everywhere and avery system will provide you a ton of data. Which data is valid and needed for piloting a specific function in your organization? Let me train you in developing effective dashboards.

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Multiple cultures, 1 Team ...

A typical local culture become like a unicorn, many talk about it but it is never seen again. The multitude of cultures in society also reflects at work. How can you help your leadership to cope with these changes?

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Delegate now ...

Your teams are doing great when you are present. But what happens when you are away for holidays, trainings ... ? How can you set up a system of delegation to keep everything running when you are not there?