About TSJOOZZZ ...

The Story

After yet another solution had been provided to the company I worked for, I was called in the Boss’ office.
Once again I had given advice and solved the matter in another way than my superiors had foreseen. 
Not inclined to break rules or laws, my “Boss” told me that the great results were undermining his authority within the larger company.  It was clear to me at that moment : I would never fit in a political oriented company.

But as my solution brought results … It seemed I was ready to become a freelancer, an interim manager …
a consultant.

The adventure could finally start, I was ready.  But was the homebase ready?
We did a brainstorm on the logo with my wife and daughters.  We brainstormed about the name for what would become “the company”.

It were fun evenings starting this up and the dynamics showed the time was right.

So about that logo ….
I was born on October 31th, date that would later become Haloween.  And I have been always very interested in the duality within people. 
So the girls and myself started looking at how to create a fun, professional logo explaining exactly what I would deliver as services.

It turned out great, and it explains everything TSJOOZZZ and I stand for.

The grey stands for the grey zone or the challenge the client is facing when contacting me.  The cirkel represents clearly the boundary of what is in the mission and what is not in the mission.
The guy in the middle, is the professional inserted in the equation to bring the solution. (yep that’s me)

The wings represent the position we have to take in the mission.
sometimes I will be the one saving the day, but it might also mean someone will have to take a fall or lose their job.

To the ones we are helping, I will be like the guardian angel. But to competitors I will be a little devil opposing them in favor of the client.

TSJOOZZZ will choose a side during the missions.  Other than the larger companies who will at almost all times, be engaged in helping all competitors in one market.

So, now you all know.  TSJOOZZZ stand for a passionate consulting and or interim management which takes your side as a client. 
Or if you looked me up because of my involvement with your competitor …
Maybe I can be of service to you later ?

Some Quick insights of missions...

As a consultant I work in the shades.  Helping my clients solve challenges they meet along the daily operations.  Sometimes during short missions, sometimes during longer missions.
Here are some of the longer missions which have been accomplished over the past years.

“find and plant seeds to grow the business.  Put the Belgian capacity on the map”

Program Manager Growth

2021 – 2022

“Find partners tooutsource production to, after a shutdown in the insourced production.”

Project Manager outsourcing

2022 – 2023

“Develop the TSJOOZZZ Individuals Activation Center.”
A Tool to improve your Teams.

TSJOOZZZ Tool Development

Summer 2023

What Can I Do for You?








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