Let Me Help You Overshoot Your Goals in the Right Ways.

With over 25 years of experience in optimizing different businesses in different industries, I can help you get the improvements you desire.

My expertise is in the domains of Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain.

I can take up a temporary role within your organization as an Interim Manager, or I can help you succeed in your projects as a project- or program manager.

What I Do

I can be deployed in almost any situation and any kind of team.
The objective of my temporary deployment is to make sure your teams and operations are capable of great daily operations after my mission.

I Solve.

Any challenge will be analyzed and for each challenge will be proposed a set of possible solutions from which the client will be able to TSJOOZZZ.

I Train.

I have created trainings and coaching in various domains to help my clients’ teams to take over with the right knowledge and mindset after the mission.

I Develop.

In order to give my clients the best solutions and options, I invest large amounts of time in developing new tools and systems.

Need Advice?

All missions are done with freedom of choice for the client.  I will be your advisor.

After every advice the client can decide to either trust the further mission to TSJOOZZZ or to engage another party.

Do you want advice or a study for a challenge you are facing?

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My e-Books & Courses & Tools

As mentioned I do create a number of tools, systems and writings during my different missions.

These are also available for clients whilst I am not on a mission for them.  Most of our tools can be procured as “stand alone” and can provide solutions for the most common challenges companies may face in today’s markets.

Want to see if any of my developments could be useful for you ?

You get to TSJOOZZZ

“ At TSJOOZZZ we don’t believe in keeping clients by hiding the back door.  We believe in providing services of high quality in such a way that all our clients watch the back door, to see who would be so wrong to take the exit ”

Tom Cant

The Story of TSJOOZZZ

TSJOOZZZ is the result of me having a long career in the operational departments of many companies.
Often I arrived on the job whilst some kind of challenge presented itself.  And once the challenge was overcome, my time was due.

I have always known that I wanted to be active as an independent or a consultant.
But I was also aware that to be good at it, I needed a strong experience before starting.
So my solutions will never be “textbook” or “off the shelf”.  They are tailored to the need of the client.

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